Friday, December 11, 2009

Bottling Day!

My work schedule getting rearranged thanks to the holidays prevented me from getting this up in a timely manner, but here we go...

Bottling happened on November 30th, and as far as I can tell, went pretty perfectly. I was on my own, so photos and videos were less accessible... what? I was busy! But here's the one I did grab. Apologies for the bit of sideways time...:

After boiling the sugar and racking into the bottling bucket, I began the long, repetitive process of getting beer into the bottles, and capping them. It takes a good long while to fill and cap 48 beers by hand...

The first bottle!

And then, about an hour later...

The entire haul

I should also mention that the entire bottling process was made entirely possible by the local homebrew shop, which I visited for the first time the day before I bottled. It was necessary, because I didn't have the foresight to collect bottles, so I had to buy some. They have EVERYTHING I need. I also picked up caps, dextrose for bottling, and a couple other essentials. This place is going to keep me from having to buy supplies online. If you are looking to do brewing in the Boston area, check out the Modern Homebrew Emporium in North Cambridge. They're very awesome.