Monday, November 23, 2009

Brew 1, Day 8: Into the glass!

One more week, then we bottle!
Switched the beer over to the glass carboy for a little secondary fermentation action. This is not a particularly exciting stage, but it gets the beer away from all the dead yeast and sediment, which makes it taste better. Therefore, it is a terribly important stage. Cause good-tasting beer is kinda the whole point, right?

It looks more like cider at the moment, but I took the lid off of the bucket after I'd racked everything over to the carboy, and the lovely, delicious smell of hops hit me full on. I'm excited.

The one thing that sucks - that glass carboy is sort of a giant pain in the ass to clean and sanitize. My kit came with a brush... but it's not nearly long enough. I'll have to find a better one.

Sometime this week, likely after Thanksgiving festivities, I'll have to get to the homebrew store in Davis Square to get some bottles and crowns. Next Monday, into the bottles it goes!

This is all the crap that was left in the bucket. Smelled good, though.

1 comment:

  1. You want to get a long "L" shaped brush to clean out that carboy. A hose attached to the faucet works well. One of those with a rubber shower-head kind of thing on the end. Just cut the shower part off.
